You are not the number you weigh!

It’s your time to be ‘Body Positive’
For the last few days, I had been trying to change the face of Indian Weight Loss Blog and realized that it was all about tips and tricks about losing weight. Not that there is anything wrong in it but after observing the past few years of my personal life, thinking and getting obsessed about weight loss doesn’t make any sense. Not that this blog is anything about fat shaming or imploring people to be skinny, but my focus had always been on being healthy at any size. So now I have decided to be more reality oriented and write about body positivity, self-confidence, and about being comfortable in whatever size we all are.
While skimming through the old posts I read this one post by Shweta about Service Industry and Weight Loss which made me see through the pain and suffering she must have been through to survive in the industry for long. While reading it, suddenly I was reminded of a girl whom I met online while looking for the bride for my son on a matrimonial site. This cute girl was also from the service industry who had dreams of flying and seeing the world but was shattered after being diagnosed with PCOD. She was grounded after being warned to lose weight and I was pained to hear her saying, “Aunty, I want to tell you that I am gaining weight because of PCOD and at times I am told that I look like a moving pillow.” The alliance could not be materialized but her words still ring in my ears. I keep thinking about what she must be going through to survive in her workplace and society. That was the moment for me to think about being Body Positive.
Your weight can not decide who you are…
As a meal planner, I have met many women who wish to lose weight with my help but when I ask them to write testimonials for my blog and their experience with me as their meal planner, they request against it as they do not want their friends and family to know that they lost weight to be healthy taking someone’s help. I used to get angry earlier but at a later stage could feel them going through major self-esteem related issues.
Let me take an opportunity to implore all my clients to rethink how they feel about themselves instead of what others want them to. Remember, your value can never be determined by anyone else but you, so do not ever give that power to others. Your health and wellness is your personal journey which might at times turn into a not so happy one but you and only you have the right to manage it either way.
I have decided to change the feel of this blog after giving a lot of thought about how I feel about myself. Most of my old clients, know about my personal weight loss journey from 98 kg to 67 kg but if you are new here,
Today I am a woman in her fifties, wise enough to understand that being thin is not what matters in the long run. Thinking healthy and happy is what keeps you going with a healthy life. Like me, if you are suffering from incurable autoimmune disease, come connect with me to feel better. As your meal planner, I would love to help you to reclaim your life.Let us all get together to be a healthier and happier version of ourselves because we all need to focus on the shape of our minds than of the bodies.
Cheers to a new day and a new life.
Though there were more than a hundred clients few of them came forward to record their journey.