9 Ultimate Exercises for Bubble-Shaped Buttocks.

Hello everyone nowadays a flat backside isn’t something that looks sexy in either a swimsuit or skinny jeans. So start doing these exercises to get the body of your dreams. You don’t need a gym to build a butt like Kim Kardashian’s.
Hurry up here we have 9 exercises to help you get an impressive bubble-shaped butt.
9. Curtsy.
- Take a wide step backward and to the side toward the supporting leg, as shown in the picture.
- Sit and bend the knee of the supporting leg. The knee shouldn’t go past your toes.
- Stand up and straighten the legs.
- Repeat 15 times and do 2 sets on each leg.
8. Kettlebell squat.
- If you don't have a kettlebell then you can use a heavy water bottle instead of a kettlebell.
- Bend the knees, as shown in the picture, and do an incomplete squat.
- Keep your back straight and lean forward to the floor. Feel the tension in your buttocks.
- Stand up.
- Repeat 15 times and do 2 sets.
7. Deadlift.
- You can use a heavy water bottle instead of a barbell.
- Bend the knees a little bit.
- Keep your back straight and lean forward as shown in the picture. Feel the tension in your buttocks.
- Stand up.
- Repeat 15 times and do 2 sets.
- 6. High knees.
- Raise your left knee up and feel the tension in your right buttock. then release it.
- Raise your right knee up and feel the tension in your right buttock.
- Repeat 25 times and do 2 sets on each leg.
5. Step up.
- Step up with your right and left leg, one after the other.
- Raise your right knee high up and feel the tension in your left buttock.
- Repeat 20 times and do 2 sets on each leg.
4. Leg-up plank.
- Get in a plank position as shown in the picture.
- Raise your left leg. Hold this position for 2 seconds.
- Repeat 15 times and do 2 sets on each leg.
3. Double-leg kick.
- Lie face down. Pull your abs in. Keep your legs together.
- Lift your belly away from the floor or mat.
- Extend your arms behind you.
- Lift your legs off the floor.
- Repeat 30 times and do 2 sets.
2. Fingers to toes.
- Get on all fours as shown in picture A.
- Lift your right arm and left leg, touching your toes.
- Repeat 15 times and do 2 sets on each leg.
1. Single-leg bridge.
- Lying on your back, extend your arms by your side.
- Bend your knees so that your feet are under the knees.
- Raise your right leg and hips up.
- Repeat 20 times and do 2 sets on each leg.
Which exercise did you like the most?