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Herbalife Nutrition Cease and desist notice

Herbalife sent me a Notice

Nowadays Nutritional products are an essential part of the human body. but some people always trying to cheat you and trying to get benefits from your problem. in this video we will help you to protect yourself. in this video, we will give the dark side of Herbalife, the truth about leaders, and how leaders cheat in Herbalife.

Herbalife, a US-based company is a global nutrition company selling weight-management, nutrition, and personal care products in 79 countries, including India, through a network of approximately 2.5 million independent distributors.

I m always trying to show the real story behind the screen. I never say a word for Herbalife as a nutrition company but I always to show the real face of their associate and their business plan. But Herbalife always tries to protect their associate who always tries to fool people for their one benefit. And now they send me a notice to force me and they want that I will not make any video of their real face.

Cease & desist notice from Herbalife Nutrition.

My Reply On Herbalife Notice?

Reply On ( Cease & desist notice from defaming or denigrating Herbalife nutrition, its associates, and its products by publishing or communicating to the public the impugned video & also infringing the registered trademarks of Herbalife nutrition.)

Now it's your turn, now you have to tell me I m right or wrong. should I remove my videos or face Herbalife.